General automation in household chores uses technology and devices to carry out conveniently or aid in completing ordinary domestic duties, enhancing daily living. However, the traditional method of ironing clothes is one of the everyday tasks around the house that has been waiting for a revolution for a long time. The ironing task is still done by hand and is not automated. The problem is that ironing excessive clothes, especially school uniforms, for a week’s usage can be laborious and time-consuming. Anyone would experience boredom, tiredness and fatigue due to this circumstance when ironing continually. Therefore, to solve the issue, this project was developed to eliminate the tedious ironing process. This project aims to develop an automatic cloth ironing machine using a few low-cost electronic and mechanical components and compare the timing of cloth ironing using an automatic machine and by hand. As a result, a prototype presented a revolutionary initiative that combines modern technology and automation to revolutionise traditional clothing ironing methods. It can respond to specifi c fabric types and sizes, ensuring consistency in the ironing process. In conclusion, a prototype was successfully designed and developed with various low-cost electronic components and mechanical devices, e.g. an Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04, Arduino UNO, a belting system and a steam generator. Then, using the machine is slightly slower by 40 seconds compared to ironing manually. This achievement reassures the potential of the machine. Future development plans include using two steam plates to iron the back and front of the clothes and using a steam generator with a higher power that produces much steam.
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