This work is aimed to understand influence of 10% Ca doping on the structural, optical, dielectric and magnetic behavior of half doped Zinc-Cobalt nanoferrites. Zn0.5−xCa0.1Co0.4+xFe2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.05 & 0.1) nanoferrites with crystallite size in 10–13 nm range were synthesized through a sol-gel auto-incinerated route. Rietveld profile refinement of PXRD patterns, observation of spinel ferrite type fcc Laue rings in SAED patterns, Raman modes (A1g,T2g & Eg) and metal-oxide (υ1 & υ2) bonds in 400–600 cm−1 IR range illustrated formation of single phase mixed valent spinel type fcc nanoferrites. In these nanoferrites Zn2+ ion resides at tetrahedral (TA) site, while Co2+ & Ca2+ ions preferentially fill the octahedral OB site and Fe3+ ion occupy both TA & OB sites. Moderate optical absorbance in blue color region and strong absorbance in the lower UV region is observed in these nanoferrites, which is owing to presence of mixed valent ions at the OB and TA sites respectively. 10% Ca doping in these half doped Zn-Co nanoferrites led to considerable decrement in the band gap energy (Eg) and turning them to semiconducting state (Eg in 2.5–2.3 eV range). In these nanoferrites hopping of electrons between divalent Fe2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Co2+ & trivalent Fe3+ & Co3+ cations led to systematic decrease in the dielectric parameters with frequency. These nanoferrites exhibited superparamagnetism with a high magnetic moment (~ 2.9–3.0μB/f.u.) at room temperature. Systematic enhancements in saturation magnetization (Ms), coercivity (Hc), remanence (Mr) and squareness ratio at low temperatures revealed changing of superparamagnetic character to soft ferrimagnetic state of these nanoferrites. At 20K, highest value of Ms = 119 emu/g was observed for Zn0.5Ca0.1Co0.4Fe2O4 nanoferrite, while highest Hc = 2911 Oe & Mr = 61.0 emu/g were recorded for Zn0.4Ca0.1Co0.5Fe2O4 nanoferrite. Thus, a moderate 10% Ca2+ ion incorporation in Zn0.5−xCa0.1Co0.4+xFe2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.05 & 0.1) nanoferrites is emerged as an effective route for obtaining superparamagnetic nanoferrites with high magnetic moment and reduced band gap energy. Unique magneto-optical characteristics of Zn0.5−xCa0.1Co0.4+xFe2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.05 & 0.1) nanoferrites would project them as a good material for opto-magnetic, drug carrier, biomedical contrast agent and magnetic storage applications.
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