UDC 541.454;543.42;535.375.5 Using data obtained in analysis of the band contour for the totally symmetric stretching vibration of the OH - anion in Raman spectra of hydroxide/chloride ionic melts, a correlation has been established between the orientational relaxation time and effective moment of inertia of the hydroxide ion and the transport properties of the electrolyte. Study of the structure of ionic compounds and its controlling infl uence on physical and chemical properties is one of the fundamental scientifi c problems in physical chemistry. Today the appearance of new and improvement of conventional experimental methods for studying the structure of matter and also creation of high-tech device components has permitted considerable expansion of the range of systems that can be studied, including high-temperature ionic melts. Development of methodological approaches has led to a signifi cant increase in the amount of information that can be extracted and an increase in the reliability of this information. Raman spectroscopy is a physical method for investigation of matter which, based on recorded vibrational spectra of the analyte system, allows us to carry out structural analysis, to determine the vibrational frequencies, and to calculate force constants and the moment of inertia of a molecule and the rates of relaxation processes. In contrast to x-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction methods, determining the structure of materials (the symmetry type, the interatomic distances, the coordination numbers), the Raman spectroscopy method allows us to obtain a much greater amount of information: the recorded vibrational frequencies correspond to the position of the vibrational levels in the molecule, the width of the vibrational bands contain information about its rotational motion, and the intensity of the Raman spectra directly determines the bond ionicity or covalency (1, 2). Today a methodological approach has been developed that allows us, from analysis of the contour of the vibrational bands and the width of their isotropic and anisotropic components, to obtain important information about the dynamics of the particles in the picosecond time range (1-4). It has been shown (4) that information about relaxation processes can be obtained by calculating the temporal correlation functions, the vibrational and orientational relaxation times for the structural units. Unique information on estimation of the moments of inertia of particles, which is practically inaccessible by other methods for studying the condensed state of matter and which can be obtained only using high-resolution rotational spectra of gas molecules, can be extracted by analyzing the shape of the contour of vibrational bands using the spectral moments method (4). According to this method, the moment of inertia can be calculated from the equation (3): I = 6kT/4π 2 c 2 Mor(2),