The strong influence of the reaction environment on the actual catalyst structure is the driving force to combine in situ studies under actual catalytic operation with simultaneous catalytic activity/selectivity measurement. Such combination of experiments is the basic concept of Operando Methodology. Nowadays, Catalysis Science cannot be understood without spectroscopy; in particular advanced spectroscopy under controlled conditions. The term ‘‘in situ’’ spectroscopy is well established, while operando spectroscopic methodology has been introduced into the catalysis literature in 2002 [1–3]. The details of this Latin term are described elsewhere [4]. ‘‘Operando is Latin for ‘‘working’’ since the spectrum is of an ‘‘operating’’ catalyst. ‘‘In situ’’ is Latin for ‘‘on site’’; it means no temporal discrimination. Advanced in situ studies are run during treatment, and may be variable-programmed; i.e., in situ studies versus a variables (pressure, temperature, reactant concentration, etc.); e.g., during a temperature-programmed processes: TPR-in situ, TPO-in situ, or TPSR-in situ. ‘‘Reaction in situ’’ analyses provide information on catalysts under transient or steady state conditions. However, many in situ reactor cell designs may not be appropriate for true catalytic reaction kinetic studies. The term ‘‘operando’’ provides a single word that underlines the simultaneous evaluation of both catalyst active site structure and catalytic activity/selectivity. It is critical that an operando reactor cell satisfies the requirements of both an in situ cell and those of a catalytic reactor used for the targeted reaction. Understanding a catalyst, is understanding three stories: a story of birth, a story of life, and a story of death. This special issue provides important analyses using in situ and operando techniques to analyze these stories. Catalyst activity is determined by its structure, phase, and also particle shape and size; the role of synthesis conditions on these parameters during synthesis, drying, calcination is reported in the contributions by Martin and Bruckner. A general perspective of spatially resolved and spectroscopic studies are provided by the contributions of Molenbroek, Urakawa and Ferri. Specific research on spatially resolved analysis of working catalysts are provided by the papers of Grunwaldt and Koptyug. Specific research using single or combined spectroscopic techniques are reported by Weckhuysen, Newton, MartinezArias, Tanabe, Mims, Chuang and Khatib. Increasing the quantity of information on performance and structure on a fundamental basis provides a rational approach to highthroughput methodologies. Thus, there is a major opportunity on the development of high-throughput operando systems, contributions Zhang and Lauterbach show spectroscopic high-throughput applications. All spectroscopic analyses depend on spectra, the contribution by Garland underlines the use of advanced software to handle spectra. In summary, understanding catalytic structure-activity relationships stands on two pillars, structure and activity. The Operando methodologies blend these pillars into a single approach. This issue reflects important progress of in situ to operando methodologies, provide a proof of concept and illustrate fundamental and applied research. M. A. Banares (&) Catalytic Spectroscopy Laboratory, Institute for Catalysis and Petroleum Chemistry, CSIC, Marie Curie, 2, 28049 Madrid, Spain e-mail:
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