The degree to which different materials of the earth can conduct electricity varies enormously, from the insulating qualities of cold, quartz-rich crys talline rock to the metallic behavior of the liquid core. A well-recognized physical property, the specific resistance or resistivity expresses quanti tatively the resistance to current flow, and the fact that it can be sensed through measurements on the earth's surface makes it an important geophysical parameter. The history of the investigation of resistivity is similar to that of other geophysical quantities, such as seismic velocity. When it was recognized that the earth as a whole was in some degree a conductor, the initial aim was to determine a global average value of resistivity; this was followed by the search for a function describing the radial variation. While the latter effort is by no means completed, a great deal of recent work has been concerned with departures from the average behavior and that aspect forms the basis of this paper. Lateral variations in electrical resistivity may provide information on the composition and water content of the crust and on the temperature and degree of partial melting in zones of the mantle. The success of any investigation depends on the adequacy of electromagnetic measurements at the earth's surface, the ability to mathematically infer a distribution of resistivities on the basis of induction theory, and, by no means least, the knowledge, through laboratory mea surements, of electrical properties of earth materials under different phys ical conditions. Recent progress in each of these aspects is considered. First, a word as to units. Resistivity is conveniently expressed in ohm meters (Qm), the resistance of a meter cube of the material. As an indication
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