On oxidizing Te +4 of concentration varying from ~ 0.02 — 0.09 N with KMnO 4, reduction of KMnO 4 proceeds in 0.1–4 N NaOH quantitatively to MnO 4 With a concentration of Te +4 — 4.585 · 1O -4 — 1.834 · 10 -5,of KMnO 4 = 2.096 · 10 -3 — 4.192 10 -5 M, and of NaOH = 3 —3.5, reduction of KMnO4 proceeds completely to manganate. Reduction of KMnO4 with Te+4 (4.63·10 -2 N) yields MnO4 with little Mn+3, without an inflection at the manganate state. In presence of telluric acid Mn+3 does not form and the reaction is quantitative. With Te +4 == 4.5–1.13·10 -3 an inflection corresponding to manganate occurs. The formal redox potential E f of the TeO 4 -2 TeO 3 -2 system decreases with increasing alkali concentration from 0.1–2.7 N, but becomes constant at higher alkalinities. E f is constant at Te +4= 0.09–0.02 N. Te +4 can be determined by mixing with KMnO 4 in 1.5–2 N NaOH and stirring the mixture at room temperature. Excess KMnO 4 is then determined with formate.
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