PARIS Academy of Sciences, August 18.—M. Rolland, President, in the chair.—Obituary discourses pronounced at the obsequies of M. Paul Thenard, by MM. Bouley and Fremy.—Observations of the small planets made with the great meridian instrument of the Paris Observatory during the second quarter of the present year, by M. Moucliez.—Essays in stellar photography, with a view to the construction of maps of the heavenly bodies, by MM. Paul and Prosper Henry, by M. Mouchez. The results so far obtained have been secured by means of an objective with a diameter of 0.l6 m. and 2.10 m. focal distance. They represent on a surface of rather less than a square decimetre a section of the Milky Way of 3° of right ascension, and 2° declination, showing 1500 stars from the sixth to the twelfth magnitude. The images of these stars have a diameter nearly proportioned to their brilliancy, except the yellow stars, which appear somewhat fainter. These encouraging results have induced MM. Henry, who are skilful opticians as well as experienced observers, to undertake the construction of a much larger objective with a diameter of 0.34 m., specially adapted for photographing the celestial orbs.—Note on a new method of representing graphically the speed of railway trains, by M. Léon Lalanne.—Report on various communications relating to the cholera, by the Commissioners, MM. Vulpian, Marey, Richet, Bert, Pasteur, Bouley, and Gosselin. Thirty fresh communications received by the Academy during the month of August have been examined with practically no results. Even Dr. Peyrusson's views regarding the efficacy of borax and boric acid are purely theoretic, unsupported by any practical tests.—Account of a new balloon capable of being guided in any direction and kept under control, by MM. Ch. Renard and A. Krebs. The authors claim to have solved the problem of aerial navigation by means of a new balloon of elongated form, and provided with a screw and helm, which was successfully tried at Chalais on August 9. After a trip of nearly five miles, it returned to the starting point, obeying the helm, and executing a series of manoeuvres with a precision comparable to that of a screw steamship in the water. Chief dimensions: length 50.42 m., diameter 8.40 m., volume 1864 m., total weight 2000 kilos.—Observations of the Barnard comet made at the Observatory of Nice, by M. Perrotin.—Observations on the solar spots and volcanic eruptions during the year 1883, by M. P. Tacchini.—Note on a fixed astronomical telescope, by M. G. Hermite.—Note on the freezing-point of saline solutions, by M. F. M. Raoult.—On the combinations of telluric acid with the salts of the bioxide of tellurium, by M. D. Klein.—Researches on the modifications produced in the nutrition of the nervous system by mania, lypemania, and epilepsy, by M. A. Mairet.—Researches on the microbe of typhoid fever in man; its cultivation, and inoculation of the virus in rabbits, guinea-pigs, poultry, pigeons, pigs, and other animals, by M. Tayon.—Note on the slow period of latent excitation in the muscles of invertebrate animals, by M. H. de Varigny.—Account of a new variety of Rhizopod found on the Arcachon coast, south of Bordeaux, by M. J. Künstler.—Note on a relation between the temperatures effusion of simple bodies and their atomic weights, by M. Chapel. The same author presented a paper on the coincidence of seismic and meteorological phenomena with the return of the August meteoric showers.
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