This paper analyzes the multiplexing gains (MG) for simultaneous transmission of delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data over interference networks. In the considered model, only delay-tolerant data can profit from coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission or reception techniques, because delay-sensitive data has to be transmitted without further delay. Transmission of delay-tolerant data is also subject to a delay constraint, which is however less stringent than the one on delay-sensitive data. Different coding schemes are proposed, and the corresponding MG pairs for delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data are characterized for Wyner's linear symmetric network and for Wyner's two-dimensional hexagonal network with and without sectorization. For Wyner's linear symmetric also an information-theoretic converse is established and shown to be exact whenever the cooperation rates are sufficiently large or the delay-sensitive MG is small or moderate. These results show that on Wyner's symmetric linear network and for sufficiently large cooperation rates, the largest MG for delay-sensitive data can be achieved without penalizing the maximum sum-MG of both delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data. A similar conclusion holds for Wyner's hexagonal network only for the model with sectorization. In the model without sectorization, a penalty in sum-MG is incurred whenever one insists on a positive delay-sensitive MG.
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