Objectives This study was to coMpare between ProbleM Solving-based Collaborative MoveMent Activities and Teacher-based AssessMent Collaborative MoveMent Activities and to exaMine the effects of ProbleM Solving- based Collaborative MoveMent Activities on self-esteeM, peer interaction, creative leadership of 5-year-old children. Methods A total of 12 experiMental treatMents were conducted on 20 children aged 5 (experiMental group) and 20 children aged 5 (control group) at Daycare Center I in Seoul, Korea. Self-esteeM, peer interaction, and creative leadership of the experiMental and control groups were Measured and coMpared before and after the experiMent, and the collected data were analyzed using independent saMples t-test. Results ProbleM Solving-based Collaborative MoveMent Activities were associated with higher Mean scores in children's self-esteeM, peer interaction, and creative leadership coMpared to teacher-led collaborative activities, and these differences were statistically significant. Conclusions The findings suggest that early childhood education and care settings need to provide probleM-solving opportunities for young children to solve their own probleMs, challenge theMselves to find answers to probleMs, and experiMent.