This text is an excerpt from the Master’s Dissertation that addresses THE TRIPLE BORDER OF BRAZIL, PERU AND COLOMBIA: CULTURAL DIVERSITY AS A TEACHING TOOL IN A 3RD YEAR CLASS OF PIO VEIGA STATE SCHOOL IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ATALAIA DO NORTE. Brazil is a country made up of great cultural diversity made up of different peoples, Africans, Europeans and indigenous people, each with their own customs, values and beliefs, a mixture of different cultures. Schools located on borders, for example, are schools considered to have a higher rate of cultural diversity, as they are influenced by neighboring cities/countries. It is worth highlighting that Brazil has intense borders with several South American countries. Among these intense borders, in this study we will highlight the Triple Border: Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Although the school is a favorable environment for working with cultural diversity, what has been seen in the school environment is the great difficulty teachers have in integrating these diversities into their pedagogical practices. In this way, the school must assume the role of intermediary, for the study and knowledge of existing cultures within the school environment, through meaningful pedagogical practices. Thus, this study aimed to analyze how the cultural diversity of the triple border can contribute to the student training process.