
MALIGNANT CATARRHAL FEVER IN CATTLE FROM RIO GRANDE DO NORTE, BRAZIL This study describes the clinical, epidemiological, and histopathological aspects of three cases of acute malignant catarrhal fever in cattle from a rural property in the municipality of Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte. The main symptoms observed in the affected animals were anorexia, fever, cornea opacity, mucopurulent nasal discharge, and incoordination. Hematological analysis revealed leukopenia with relative monocytosis. Prior to these three cases, six other animals had died with similar symptoms. Postmortem findings included ulcers in oral and nasal mucosa, lesions in the tongue and palate, edema of glottis, hyperemia of esophagus and trachea mucosa, hypertrophy and congestion of lymph nodes, cerebral and cerebellar congestion. Histopathological examination showed generalized vasculitis, necrosis of vessel wall, and perivascular infiltration of mononuclear cells in several organs. A definitive diagnosis of malignant catarrhal fever was provided by the clinical and histopathological changes observed.

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