Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) was originally developed for the treatment of hemophilic patients with inhibitors and then used successfully for treating hemorrhages in patients with acquired hemophilia. In the last few years, along with the improvement in the knowledge of its mechanisms of action, rFVIIa has also been used with benefit as a “universal hemostatic agent” in many other nonhemophilic bleeding situations, including congenital FVII deficiencies, quantitative and qualitative platelet disorders, hepatic failure, liver transplantation, major surgery and trauma [1]. This review briefly analyzes the uses of rFVIIa in treatment and focuses particularly on the newer uses, for which there are only a few randomized, controlled clinical trials. Table 1 summarizes the current approved and “off-label” clinical applications of rFVIIa. Table 1 Approved and potential clinical applications of recombinant activated factor VII Mechanisms of Action and Pharmacokinetics Recombinant activated factor VII is an important contributor to the initiation of hemostasis [2]. According to a cell-based model of coagulation, tissue factor (TF) is exposed to circulating blood following injury to the vessel wall and TF-FVIIa complexes are formed on the TF-bearing cells, where they activate factor X (FX) to produce activated FX (FXa), leading to the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin (Fig. 1). The limited amount of thrombin formed activates FV, FVIII, and FXI, as well as platelets, which in turn change shape and expose negatively charged phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine. These activated platelets provide the template for further FX activation and full thrombin generation with a positive feedback on FV, FVIII, and FXI. The extra formation of thrombin results in the activation of thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), which protects the fibrin clot from premature lysis by down-regulating fibrinolysis. The direct activation of FIX on activated platelets in the absence of TF, resulting in improved thrombin generation, may also explain the mechanism of rFVIIa action in acquired coagulopathy following trauma, surgery. Moreover, the binding of rFVIIa to activated platelets may explain why rFVIIa is localized only to the site of bleeding. The rapid decrease of rFVIIa level in vivo means that this drug must be given as frequent bolus injections (every 2–4 hours) or as a continuous infusion [2]. All published studies show that treatment with rFVIIa can be effective at doses between 35 and 120 µg/kg. Effective doses are independent of the inhibitor titer, with the standard recommended dose being 90 µg/kg given as a bolus and repeated after two hours. When more than two doses are necessary to ensure and maintain hemostasis in uncomplicated bleeding episodes, the dose interval may be prolonged to every four hours for 1 to 2 days and then every six hours until discontinuation, depending on the size and severity of the bleed. [1]. Fig. 1 Role of rFVIIa in causing thrombin burst Use in Hemophilic Patients Hemophilia A and B is treatable with highly purified plasma-derived and recombinant DNA- derived factor VIII and factor IX concentrates. However, a well recognized and potentially life-threatening complication of hemophilia is the development of neutralizing antibodies against the missing factor. Up to 25 % of patients develop an inhibitor to factor VIII, and 3–5% to factor IX. To date, therapeutic interventions in these situations have included large doses of factor VIII and activated/non-activated prothrombin complex concentrates and porcine FVIII. All these have significant drawbacks including high cost, unpredictability of response, transmission of blood-derived infections, thromboembolic complications and in the case of porcine FVIII, development of anti-porcine antibodies. All these existing therapeutic caveats led to the development of rFVIIa as a potential solution for treating hemophilia patents with inhibitors and in acquired hemophilia [3]. The standard (and approved) intravenous (IV) dose of rFVIIa in hemophilia patients with an inhibitor is 90 µg per kg until hemostasis is achieved; for surgical patients, repeated doses are given every two hours until hemostasis is achieved and less frequently thereafter[4].
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