The falls, or more properly the rapids, of Imatra, situated in Carelia, on the north-west of Petersburgh, are formed by the sudden contraction of the channel of the river Voxa, about six versts below its outlet from the lake Saima, and three from the post station of Sitola, where the road from Viborg joins that from Wilmanstrand to Kexholm. * The Voxa, which is of a considerable size above and below the rapids, is, for the space of half a verst, † confined within a rocky bed of about sixty feet in breadth. The western bank is a high rocky ridge covered with wood; the eastern a bare rocky wall, in some places considerably overhanging the river. This east bank is the perpendicular section of a platform, or table land, which extends to the foot of the hills on that side of the valley: these hills extend north and south parallel to those of the western bank, and are of equal height. The surface of this platform is apparently now about fifty feet above the level of the water, at the lower extremity of the rapids. Its surface is in many parts quite bare, and deeply channelled in a direction parallel to the river. It is covered with heaps of pebbles and boulders of great size, some of which are hollowed and scooped into the most fanciful shapes. This sort of pierres figurées is also found, but much smaller, below the falls. One of the largest of the blocks now left dry,
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