1. Quantum chemical CNDO/BW calculations with optimization of geometries have been carried out on the keto and enol forms of acetone, mesityl oxide, and methyl ethyl ketone, and on the carbanions resulting from various types of deprotonation in these compounds. 2. The keto forms of acetone and mesityl oxide are considerably more stable than the enol forms, while the enolate anions resulting through from heterolytic rupture of the OH bond in the enol forms pass over into the keto form anions with zero activation energy. 3. The calculated gas-phase acidities of the compounds in question here increase in the order: acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, mesityl oxide. 4. Proton detachment from the γ-CH3 group of theβ-form of mesityl oxide, from the secondary C atom of theα-form, or from the hydroxyl group of the enol form leads, in every case, to the same anion structure, namely anα-form carbanion with an unconjugated system of single and double bonds. This, and the anion resulting from proton detachment from theα-methine C atom of theβ-form, are the most stable of the mesityl oxide carbanions. 5. The H atoms bound to the secondary C atom are the most acidic hydrogens in methyl ethyl ketone. Theα-CH3 group acidity is the same in each of the compounds covered by this work.
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