This paper proposes Pomarine jaeger Optimization (PJO) algorithm, Tiger hunting Optimization (THO) Algorithm, Desert Reynard and Vixen Inspired Optimization (DRVIO) Algorithm, Lonchodidae optimization (LO) algorithm, Caracal optimization (CO) algorithm, Barasingha optimization (BO) algorithm, Amur leopard optimization (AO) algorithm and Empress SARANI Optimization Algorithm to solve the active power loss reduction problem. Regular actions of Pomarine jaeger have been emulated to model the PJO procedure. In THO algorithm, how the Tiger moves to capture the prey is imitated and formulated. In DRVIO algorithm, Desert Reynard and Vixen burrowing capability and spurt tactic from desolate slayers are imitated to formulate the algorithm. LO algorithm emulates the physiognomies of convergent progression, track reliance, populace development and rivalry in the growth of the Lonchodidae populace in environment. In CO approach, Caracal assaults the designated quarry and then quests the quarry in a dashing procedure. BO algorithm stimulated by the Barasingha existence capability in the slayer subjugated atmosphere. AO algorithm imitates the Amur leopard behaviour. Movement paths, stalking, breeding and death are the some phases in the Amur leopard life cycle. Empress SARANI Optimization Algorithm is designed by integrating Parastylotermes Empress inspired optimization (PEIO) algorithm, Dryocopus martius optimization (DMO) algorithm, Ostrya Carpinifolia Search Optimization (OCSO) Algorithm, Hermitage Activities Inspired optimization (HAIO) algorithm with SARANI algorithm. Validity of Empress SARANI Optimization Algorithm is verified in 24 benchmark functions, IEEE and Practical systems. Real power loss (MW) obtained by projected algorithms for IEEE 57 bus system is PJO-21.99, THO-22.79, DRVIO-21.79, LO-23.16, CO-23.92, BO-22.81, AO- 24.89 and Empress SARANI- 20.91. For IEEE 300 bus system is PJO-395.153, THO-397.398, DRVIO-394.208, LO-398.192, CO-398.397, BO-395.209, AO-399.884 and Empress SARANI-389.217. For IEEE 354 bus system is PJO-336.108, THO-339.563, DRVIO-339.099, LO-340.164, CO-340.592, BO 338.906, AO-342.184 and Empress SARANI-334.098. For practical system - WDN 220 KV is PJO-29. 008, THO-30. 929, DRVIO-28. 519, LO-31.265, CO-31. 893, BO-29.872, AO-32.899, Empress SARANI-26.101.
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