The relevance of this problem’s study is due to the rapid integration processes of the educational environment of higher educational institutions with research institutes of large industrial complexes, research centers, laboratories, technology parks, etc., which require a rethinking of the competence paradigm of education and its reorientation towards the synergetic principles of humanitarian training of students – future intellectually developed, humanitarianly educated specialists possessing high-tech research competencies, capable to self-organization and self-transformation in the modern labor market. In this regard, this article is focused on the scientific study and experimental verification of the synergetic principles’ effectiveness of high school students’ research competences’ formation in Humanities study. The article represents the theoretical and methodological basis for students’ research competence’s formation (goal, content, technology, effectiveness criteria), reveals the essence and structure of the synergetic principles of self-organization and self-transformation of students’ research competencies in the process of studying the Humanities. The article can be useful for teachers of the higher school, the Methodist, the listeners of the system of professional skill s’ improvement and pedagogical staffs retraining of higher education institutions, young scientists, undergraduates, graduate students, students, working on research projects. It is recommended for professionals who are interested in issues of synergy in education.