Neurotensin (Nts) is a neuropeptide acting as a neuromodulator in the brain. Pharmacological studies have identified Nts as a potent hypothermic agent. The medial preoptic area, a region that plays an important role in the control of thermoregulation, contains a high density of neurotensinergic neurons and Nts receptors. The conditions in which neurotensinergic neurons play a role in thermoregulation are not known. In this study, optogenetic stimulation of preoptic Nts neurons induced a small hyperthermia. In vitro, optogenetic stimulation of preoptic Nts neurons resulted in synaptic release of GABA and net inhibition of the preoptic pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (Adcyap1) neurons firing activity. GABA-A receptor antagonist or genetic deletion of Slc32a1 (VGAT) in Nts neurons unmasked also an excitatory effect that was blocked by a Nts receptor 1 antagonist. Stimulation of preoptic Nts neurons lacking Slc32a1 resulted in excitation of Adcyap1 neurons and hypothermia. Mice lacking Slc32a1 expression in Nts neurons presented changes in the fever response and in the responses to heat or cold exposure as well as an altered circadian rhythm of body temperature. Chemogenetic activation of all Nts neurons in the brain induced a 4-5°C hypothermia, which could be blocked by Nts receptor antagonists in the preoptic area. Chemogenetic activation of preoptic neurotensinergic projections resulted in robust excitation of preoptic Adcyap1 neurons. Taken together, our data demonstrate that endogenously released Nts can induce potent hypothermia and that excitation of preoptic Adcyap1 neurons is the cellular mechanism that triggers this response.