The study included 100 patients from 25 to 75 years. Out of them women were 60, Men- 40, surgery had only 45 patients, chemotherapy 16. 4 After radiation therapy, combined therapy - 35 patients. 6 were Suffering from lung cancer, 22 -breast cancer, skin cancer -6, 7 -gastric cancer, prostate and bladder cancer -4 patients , 15- ovarian cancer . The uteruscancer-25, from 100 patients 20% was suffering from mild depression , The average - 44%., Severe - 35%. without depression -1%. Suicidal taught was detected in 45% of surveyed patients, a panic or somatic -vegetatic disorders -79% (headache, dizziness, palpitations, and weakness). A large part of the patients, 80% complained of sleep disturbance (difficulty in sleeping, in the middle of the night awakening, early awakening), some of the symptoms of asthenia was found in 56%. psychological rehabilitation centers for cancer patients is necessary to establish on a base of oncology clinics. Professional psychological help will improve oncology patients 'quality of life'.Cancer patients diagnosed with major depression may benefit from a combined modality approach that includes both psychosocial and pharmacologic interventions. Psychosocial treatment approaches that may be of value include those that provide information and support and those that address any combination of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral factors.
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