Generally, for pulsed power applications with low jitter and high repetition rates, the use of semiconductor switches have replaced the traditional gap switches and thyratron circuits due to the limited lifetime of the thyratron and gap switches under such operating conditions. However, the limited ratings of these semiconductor switches require series and/or parallel stacking in order to handle high voltages and current levels associated with the discharge energy. Described in this paper is the design of a high voltage switch that uses a simple and reliable gate driver circuit for pulsed power application. In this design, the switch module is made up of insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBTs) and their gate driver circuits compactly fitted onto a single module. The ease by which the switch modules can be configured (series stacking and/or parallel stacking) to meet future load variations allows for flexible operation of this design. In addition, the detailed implementation of the gate driver circuit for reliable and easier synchronization of the switches, the simultaneous transfer of both signal and power for current boost are also described in this paper. A 120 nF capacitor bank energy was discharged using a configuration of the developed high voltage switch and a developed 15 kV, 1.5 kJ/s peak power capacitor charger, and by experimental results, the operation of the proposed circuit was verified to be effectively used as a switch for pulse discharging.
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