Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic channelized systems pose significant challenges for geological characterization due to their high lithological variability. Understanding the lithological distribution is crucial for deciphering basin evolution and guiding ongoing drilling operations.#xD;An example of such a mixed channel system is identified in the San Andres and Grayburg Formations in the Midland Basin, TX. These units feature siliciclastic-infilled channels cutting across predominantly carbonate shelves. An integrated study of core, well-log, and seismic data was conducted to analyze the lithological variability of the channelized interval and understand its geomorphological evolution. Seismic attributes such as coherent energy, sweetness, and spectral decomposition proved to be the most efficient at enhancing the contrast between clastic and carbonate elements, demonstrating the feasibility of depicting lithological heterogeneity at a seismic scale. Additionally, conventional seismic interpretation and geometric attributes revealed two categories of channel incisions: type I, characterized by V-shaped bases, straight, and mostly oriented in a NE-SW direction; and type II, characterized by U-shaped bases, slightly sinuous, and a NW-SE orientation. Well-log based litho-density techniques and core descriptions corroborated the seismic observations by illustrating heterogeneity and the siliciclastic nature of the channel infills.#xD;A 3D lithology model constrained by the previous analyses shows a dominance of siliciclastics in the Lower San Andres, while the Upper San Andres and Grayburg are limestone-rich with episodic siliciclastic events (i.e., channel incisions) and dolostone (in the Upper Grayburg). Geomorphological and stratigraphic variations were correlated to changes in sea level and source rock composition. Overall, these insights improve our understanding of siliciclastic deposition in these formations within the Midland Basin, potentially serving as analogs for the Brushy and Cherry Canyon formations in the Delaware Basin.#xD;
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