Attention is key to perception and human behavior, and evidence shows that it periodically samples sensory information (<20Hz). However, this view has been recently challenged due to methodological concerns and gaps in our understanding of the function and mechanism of rhythmic attention. Here we used an intensive ∼22-hour psychophysical protocol combined with reverse correlation analyses to infer the neural representation underlying these rhythms. Participants (male/female) performed a task in which covert spatial (sustained and exploratory) attention was manipulated, and then probed at various delays. Our results show that sustained and exploratory attention periodically modulate perception via different neural computations. While sustained attention suppresses distracting stimulus features at the alpha (∼12Hz) frequency, exploratory attention increases the gain around task-relevant stimulus feature at the theta (∼6Hz) frequency. These findings reveal that both modes of rhythmic attention differentially shape sensory tuning, expanding the current understanding of the rhythmic sampling theory of attention.Significance statement For the past decade, low-frequency rhythms have been observed in attentional performance. Here, we go beyond description and assess the underlying neural computations in the sensory system. We used an intensive psychophysical protocol combined with reverse correlation analysis to infer the system's sensitivity to and selectivity for stimulus feature (orientation) across time, and for two attention modes, i.e., sustained and exploratory attention. Our results reveal that sustained and exploratory attention modes differentially shape the sensory tuning to stimulus features: respectively altering either noise suppression or signal enhancement rhythmically, leading to alternating periods of performance enhancement and decrement.
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