We evaluated how water residence time mediated the impact of zebramussels Dreissena polymorpha and bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus on experimental food webs established in1100-l outdoor mesocosms. Water residence time was manipulated asa surrogate for seston resupply – a critical variable affectinggrowth and survival of suspension-feeding invertebrates. We used a2×2×2 factorial experimental design witheight treatment combinations (3 replicates/treatment) including thepresence or absence of Dreissena (2000 per m2), juvenilebluegill (40 per mesocosm), and short (1100 l per d) or long (220 lper d) water residence time. Measures of seston concentration(chlorophyll a, turbidity and suspended solids) were greaterin the short- compared to long water-residence mesocosms, butintermediate in short water-residence mesocosms containing Dreissena. Abundance of rotifers (Keratella and Polyarthra) was reduced in Dreissena mesocosms and elevatedin short residence time mesocosms. Cladocera abundance, in general,was unaffected by the presence of Dreissena; densities werehigher in short-residence time mesocosms, and reduced in thepresence of Lepomis. The growth of juvenile Lepomiswere unaffected by Dreissena because of abundant benthicfood. The final total mass of Dreissena was significantlygreater in short- than long-residence mesocosms. Impacts of Dreissena on planktonic food webs may not only depend on thedensity of zebra mussels but also on the residence time of thesurrounding water and the resupply of seston.