The astronomical events registered in photographic plates are unique. A remarkable interest in using old plates in many areas of the current astronomical research is widely recognized by the IAU. There are almost ten thousand plates in several collections at the Cordoba Observatory and most of them are nearly one century old. This photographic material is difficult to handle in order to get the information stored in it. The goal of this project is to make a digital archive of images of these collections. In this first survey plates are being scanned with a standard commercial transparency scanner. These low spatial resolution, low digital resolution and low signal-to-noise ratio images are intended for facilitating handling and visual inspection. However, one arc-second positions can be obtained. Photometric quality has not been yet determined. Otherwise high quality digital images can be acquired with a microdenstitometer based on a scientific grade CCD whose implementation is at its final stage. The possibility of using a better-performance scanner is being evaluated. It is planned to permit the access to low-resolution images via internet. High-resolution images of selected zones will be available upon request. At this first stage, collections totally digitized at low resolution are:Carte du Ciel and Small Magellanic Cloud Zones. Gaviola's Eta Carinae Spectra and Pulkovo Zones are still in process.