
We report the discovery of a previously uncataloged Local Group galaxy in the constellation Cetus. Faintly visible on UKST survey plates, it has a smooth, diffuse appearance and appears to be a dwarf spheroidal of type dE3.5. A color-magnitude diagram in V, V-I shows a clear giant branch but no sign of recent star formation. From the position of the tip of the giant branch, we derive a reddening-corrected distance modulus of 24.45 ± 0.15 and a metallicity of -1.9 ± 0.2. With an implied heliocentric distance of 775 ± 50 kpc, and a corresponding Local Group barycentric distance of 615 kpc, the Cetus dwarf lies well within the boundaries of the Local Group, and although it currently lacks a radial velocity measurement, it is undoubtedly a member of the Local Group. The nearest Local Group galaxies are WLM and IC 1613 at angular separations of 73 and 163 and roughly 175 and 230 kpc total distance, respectively. Although the Cetus dwarf is unlikely to be directly associated with any other Local Group galaxy, it does lie in the general direction of the extension of the Local Group toward the Sculptor Group.

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