770 Background: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is associated with poor prognosis and limited treatment options. A 584 bp deletion in CTRB2 , which impairs chymotrypsin B2 function, has been linked to increased PDAC risk. This study investigates the impact of this deletion on progression and survival outcomes in patients with PDAC. Methods: There were 633 patients in whom CTRB2ex6 deletion was genotyped; 263 patients received chemotherapy and had time to progression (TTP) information. TTP was calculated from diagnosis date until earliest of 1) progression date (event), 2) surgery, death, or next chemotherapy date (competing risk), or 3) date last known to be alive (censor). Overall survival (OS) was calculated for the cohort from diagnosis until date of death (event) or date last known to be alive (censor). TTP was analyzed using cumulative incidence methods accounting for competing risks; OS was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier methods. Cox proportional hazard models adjusted for age and sex were used to test associations and compute hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Median TTP in those with CTRB2ex6 deletion negative carrier status (n=209) was 1.3 years vs 5.9 years for those with positive carrier status (n=54). Estimated 3-year progression rates were 54.2% for patients with no CTRB2ex6 deletions, 43.7% for patients with one deletion (n=48), and 33.3% for patients with two CTRB2ex6 deletions (n=6). TTP was not associated with CTRB2 deletion carrier status (HR: 0.8, 95% CI: 0.6-1.3). Median OS for CTRB2ex6 deletion negative carriers (n=514) was 1.0 year vs 0.9 years for positive carriers (n=119); within deletion carriers, heterozygous carriers (n=110) had a median OS of 0.9 years, and homozygous carriers (n=9) had a median OS of 2.6 years. OS was not associated with CTRB2 deletion carrier status (HR: 1.0, 95% CI: 0.9-1.3). Conclusions: Although we did not detect statistically significant differences in TTP and OS by CTRB2ex6 deletion carrier status, there was an interesting trend toward longer TTP and OS in the small number of patients who carried homozygous CTRB2ex6 deletions. Larger studies are warranted to validate these findings.
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