Field experiments were conducted to study the effect of dripper spacing and plant spacing on growth, yield and WUE of turmeric (Curcuma longa) raised with rhizome bud seedling at Agricultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Bhavanisagar, Erode Dt., Tamil Nadu, India. The treatment structure includes two dripper spacing viz., 60 cm and 40 cm with combination of four plant spacing viz., 30 cm x 15 cm, 30 cm x 20 cm, 30 cm x 25 cm and 45 cm x 15 cm and with conventional (furrow / surface) irrigation method as control. The trials were laid out in randomized block design and replicated thrice. The irrigation is being applied once in three days through drip at 80 per cent PE which is common for all the treatments except the conventional method. The fertigation is being given once in ten days by following the fertigation schedule of turmeric. The results revealed that drip irrigation at 80 per cent Pan Evaporation (PE) with 60 cm dripper spacing and crop spacing of 30 cm x 20 cm recorded higher rhizome yield as well as high income and B:C ratio. Significantly lowest yield was observed in the control treatment (conventional method). Turmeric cultivated under drip irrigation system resulted in saving of 48 per cent of water when compared to conventional method with a WUE ranging from 19.4 to 26.5 kg ha-1mm-1
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