A vital component of public health that needs a lot of attention is oral health care for people with special needs. The phrase "special needs" describes a wide range of issues pertaining to behavior, development, health, and emotions that require specific medical and educational support. These individuals often present with complex oral health care needs that require specialized knowledge and skills. Despite their significant numbers, access to quality oral health care for this group remains a critical concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate the practices and challenges faced by general practitioners (GPs) in delivering oral health care to individuals with special needs. The sample size of this study consisted of 380 GPs. Informed consent was obtained from the participants, and they were informed that their responses and personal information would be kept confidential. A cross-sectional survey in English was prepared using Google Forms. The survey comprising 19 questions was distributed among a sample drawn from various regions of Saudi Arabia. Participants were selected to ensure representation from different practice settings, including private clinics, government hospitals, and university clinics. A significant portion of participants (271, 71.3%) reported lacking formal training in dental care for individuals with special needs. Furthermore, 277 (72.9%) expressed low confidence in their ability to provide care for these patients. Additionally, 342 (90%) acknowledged that the challenges in treating patients with special needs significantly impact their ability to deliver effective care. Moreover, 326 (85.8%) indicated insufficient access to the necessary resources and support, pointing to critical gaps in the provision of dental services for individuals with special needs. The findings of this study showed that GPs encounter significant challenges in treating individuals with special needs in daily clinical settings. These challenges contribute to insufficient training of GPs in the field, limited resources provided, and inadequate support. The majority of participants in this study believe that a lack of professional guidelines, trained support staff, and continuing education opportunities contribute significantly to the challenges they face in delivering oral health care to individuals with special needs.
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