Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera, L.) has been focused byresearchers to maximize its production (quantity and quality) and morespecifically to its water management aiming to find the most effectiveand economic amounts of water needed for optimum fruit quality.Three different locations of different soil texture (clay, clay loamand sandy loam) were chosen at Fayoum Governorate. At each location,four sites of different ground water table depth (gwtd), i.e. ≈ 40, 80, 120and 160 cm already grown with date palm trees; were selected for thisstudy. Within each site 3 date palm trees variety Balady aged from 8-10 years (as replicates) were the task of this study. The selected sites ofthe tested soils were analyzed for some soil physical and chemicalproperties. The ground water table depth at each site was measured in anobservation well of 10 cm diameter that was dug to 180 cm depth, then,the weighted averages of (gwtd) were calculated. The actualevapotranspiration (ETc) of date palm for all the year 2004 under ElFayoum conditions was calculated and the contribution from the tested(gwtd) of the site (ETc.g) to the date palm consumptive use wasestimated.Results showed that the maximum value of total yearlycontribution from ground water table to water consumptive use for datepalm (1069.31 mm) was found in the clay soil with the gwtd (≈ 40 cm),while the minimum value (161.35 mm) was observed in the sandy loamsoil with the gwtd (≈160 cm). Highly significant negative correlationswere indicated between the values of total yearly contribution (ETc-g,mm) and the values of (gwtd), and, their simple regression equationsshowed significant relationships as follows:For the clay soil : r = - 0.985 and Y1 = 1240.50 - 5.34 X .For the clay loam soil : r = - 0.989 and Y2 = 1215.00 - 5.75 X .For the sandy loam soil : r = - 0.972 and Y3 = 1016.30 - 5.70 X .Where: Y is the ETc-g (mm) and X is the gwtd (cm).Results showed also that the minimum value of the netrequirement needs (ETn) for date palm (414.67 mm/year) is seen inclayey soil with the gwtd (≈ 40 cm), while the maximum value(1322.22 mm/year) was observed in the sandy loam soil with the gwtd(≈160 cm). Highly significant positive correlations were detectedbetween the values of the net requirements needs (ETn) and that ofgwtd, meanwhile, their simple regression equations showed significantrelationships as follows:For the clay soil : r = + 0.965 and Y1 = 249.15 + 5.31 X.For the clay loam soil : r = + 0.971 and Y2 = 266.76 + 5.79 X.For the sandy loam soil : r = + 0.945 and Y3 = 467.10 + 5.70 X.Where: Y is the ETn (mm/year) and X is the gwtd (cm). The net requirement needs values (ETn) were considered as thenet supplementary drip irrigation requirements (NSDIR) andcalculated in m3/feddan/year for date palm trees. Consequently,scheduling the monthly NSDIR as liter/tree/day through all months ofthe year, as well as, the needed number of drippers were presented forthe application in the studied soils and ground water table depthsunder Fayoum Governorate conditions.
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