It is shown that at low temperatures the spin dynamics of an antiferromagnetic linear chain can be governed by propagation of boundaries between antiferromagnetic one-dimensional domains. A double maximum results in the neutron-scattering function S( q, ω) if the one-dimensional momentum transfer q is not too close to a one-dimensional superlattice point. In contrast with ordinary magnons of an anisotropic system, the dispersion law corresponding to the maximum exhibits no gap. If q = π, S( q, ω) is centered at ω = 0 but has a nonlorentzian shape. At moderately low temperatures the neutron linewidth at q = π amd the spin-lattice relaxation time are both proportional to the inverse correlation length K, whereas at very low temperature T, they are proportional to K T 1 2 . Much smaller values of T 1 and of the neutron linewidth are expected if the spin dynamics is governed by thermally activated processes, as occurs if boundaries are trapped by lattice imperfection and cannot propagate. In the ferromagnetic Ising-like chain, spin dynamics is always governed by thermally activated processes.
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