The focus of this article is to scrutinize the performances of viscous dissipation, porous medium and super-hydrophobicity on free convection of an electrically conducting fluid across an upstanding microchannel affected by an imposed magnetic field. The plates were alternatively heated and incorporated with heat source/sink effect. The steady state expressions of the formulated differential equations have been solved using a semi analytical method (regular perturbation). It is interesting to report that the heat gradient and fluid motion are significantly propelled for mounting values of Brickman number, Darcy porous number and heat source parameters in the superhydrophobic microchannel. On the other hand, the velocity deteriorates for increasing levels of magnetic field and heat sink factors. Further, the comparison of this present analysis with previously published literature for limiting cases when K=1000, so that the term 1/K disappears, demonstrate an excellent relationship, thereby authenticating the accuracy and correctness of this present work. Nuclear power plants, gas turbines and the various propulsion devices for aircraft, missiles, satellites and space vehicles are examples of such engineering areas where this study can find relevance.
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