Young massive stars produce sufficient Lyman continuum photon luminosity Phi(sub i) to significantly affect the structure and evolution of the accretion disks surrounding them. A nearly static, ionized, isothermal 10(exp 4) K atmosphere forms above the neutral disk for disk radii r less than r(sub g) = 10(exp 15) M(sub 1) cm, where M(sub *) = 10 solar mass M(sub 1) is the stellar mass. For r approximately greater than r(sub g) the diffuse field created by hydrogen recombinations to the ground state in the photoionized gas above the disk produces a steady evaporation at the surface of the disk, and this H II gas flows freely out to the ISM (the 'disk wind'). The detailed structure depends on the mass-loss rate dot-M(sub w) of the fast, approximately greater than 1000 km/sec, stellar wind from the massive star. A critical mass-loss rate dot-M(sub cr) is defined such that the ram pressure of the stellar wind equals the thermal pressure of the H II atmosphere at r(sub g). In the weak stellar wind solution, dot-M(sub w) less than dot-M(sub cr), the diffuse photons from the atmosphere above r(sub g) produce a photoevaporative mass-loss rate from the disk at r approximately greater than r(sub g) of order 1 x 10(exp -5)(Phi(sub 49))(exp 1/2)(M(sub 1))(exp 1/2) solar mass/year, where Phi(sub i) = 10(exp 49) Phi(sub 49)/sec. The resulting slow (10 to 50 km/sec) ionized outflow, which persists for approximately greater than 10(exp 5) year for disk masses M(sub d) approximately 0.3 M(sub *), may explain the observational characteri stics of unresolved, ultracompact H II regions. In the strong stellar wind solution, dot-M(sub w) greater than dot-M(sub cr), the ram pressure of the stellar wind blows down the atmosphere for r less than r(sub g) and allows the stellar photons to penetrate to greater radii and smaller heights. A slow, ionized outflow produced mainly by diffuse photons is again created for r less than r(sub g); however, it is now dominated by the flow at r(sub w)(greater than r(sub g)), the radius at which the stellar wind ram pressure equals the thermal pressure in the evaporating flow. The mass-loss rate from the disk is of order 6 x 10(exp -5)dot-M(sub w-6) v(sub w8)(Phi (sub 49))(exp -1/2) solar mass/year, where dot-M(sub w-6) = M(sub w)/10(exp -6) solar mass/year and v(sub w8) = v(sub w)/1000 km/sec is the stellar wind velocity. The resulting outflow, which also persists for approximately greater than 10(exp 5) year may explain many of the more extended (r approximately greater than 10(exp 16) cm) ultracompact H II regions. Both the weak-wind and the strong-wind models depend entirely on stellar parameters Phi(sub i), M(sub *), dot-M(sub w)) and are independent of disk parameters as long as an extended r much greater than (r(sub g)), neutral disk exists. We compare both weak-wind and strong-wind model results to the observed radio free-free spectra and luminosities of ultracompact H II regions and to the interesting source MWC 349.
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