The issues of automation of technological processes are relevant for all industries. The article discusses the issues of automating the control of the operation of oil pumping units widely used in oil production using the TRACE MODE SCADA system from AdAstrA Research Group.
 To control the operation of a sucker rod pump of an oil pumping unit, the use of dynamometers is widespread in world practice. Technically, it is easier to carry out a more generalized control of the operation of an oil pumping unit using a wattmetergram, which displays the dependence of the active power consumed by the drive on time or the position of the polished rod. The results of power measurements are transmitted via communication channels to the computer of the SCADA system. Further, preliminary processing of the results of the control of the wattmeter diagram and the calculation of parameters characterizing the operation of the oil pumping unit are performed.
 At the stage of data preprocessing, noise filtering is performed using TRACE MODE tools that provide data exchange with MS Excel, MS Access, MS Visual Basic packages. The use of moving average, median filtering, and B-splines methods for this is considered. It is shown that cubic B-splines are an effective method of analytical description and graphical representation of experimental data, reducing the total mean square of the error. The use of splines in comparison with the polynomial approximation gives a slightly better approximation. The results of filtering and calculations by means of the SCADA system are displayed on the dispatcher’s monitor, archived, documented, etc. Thus, the related software products SCADA TRACE MODE and MS allow you to effectively implement complex data processing algorithms.