High-resolution seismic data are crucial for accurately identifying subsurface geological formations and reservoir properties. However, as widely observed in both prestack and poststack data, seismic wave attenuation often leads to a gradual decrease in resolution with depth. This degradation leads to resolution differences between data from shallow and deep layers, characterized by high-frequency energy loss in deeper target layers. The latter could complicate the extraction of crucial deep-layer structure information, leading to increased uncertainty in reservoir modeling and significant economic losses due to our inability to image deep targets with sufficient resolution. Traditional methods with simplified assumptions about this nonlinear attenuation hinder modeling geological complexity and variability. Deep learning methods excel at capturing complex, nonlinear relationships but often rely heavily on scarce and costly paired labels for supervised learning. As a result, deep learning without requiring paired labels for seismic resolution enhancement has become a key research focus. This study explores a method to enhance 3D seismic data resolution using weakly supervised learning, leveraging the inherent similarity of sedimentary structures across depths. Specifically, our approach utilizes a relatively shallow, higher-resolution data window to transfer and extrapolate learned high-frequency information to a deeper window containing attenuated responses from deeper layers. Thereby, we achieve enhanced resolution in the target region. A tailored 3D convolutional neural network with a bidirectional cycle structure, custom-designed loss functions, and data preprocessing techniques specifically addresses the challenge of resolution differences caused by seismic wave attenuation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated with synthetic and real 3D poststack migration data, demonstrating its robustness for regions near the target layer. Compared to conventional spectral whitening, our approach leverages intrinsic data characteristics more adaptively and robustly, making geological structures more discernible.#xD;
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