Evaluations of Hydrologic/Water Quality (H/WQ) models have been largely based on the comparison of modelresults with observed data for a particular site-specific location. However, this procedure is usually subject to extensiveparameter estimation within the simulation model to best fit the model results to the observed data. In direct contrast to thisapproach, methods developed by Haan et al. (1995) utilize input probability distributions to transform parameteruncertainty into prediction uncertainty using probability distribution functions. In this study, a procedure is introduced forapplying the statistical approach defined by Haan et al. (1995) to water table management models such as DRAINMOD, aH/WQ model used to simulate lateral and deep seepage through the soil profile. In the evaluation procedure, probabilitydistribution functions were developed for the most sensitive input parameters, output probability distribution functions weredeveloped using Monte Carlo simulation, and the output probability distribution functions were used to assess the model.The model was evaluated based on its capability to predict average annual runoff volume, subsurface drainage volume, anddaily fluctuations of water table depth. DRAINMOD performed successfully in the evaluative procedure in predicting therunoff and subsurface drainage for the research site. Furthermore, water table depth fluctuations, which were expected tobe most susceptible to input uncertainty, were also predicted accurately by the model.
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