Synapses are the site of chemical communication between neurons and between neurons and muscles. The synaptic vesicle (SV) is a prominent presynaptic organelle which contains chemical neurotransmitters and fuses with the plasma membrane to mediate neurotransmission. There are about 50 or so synaptic proteins which are either integral vesicle membrane proteins (e.g., synaptotagmin, syt; and synaptobrevin, syb) or vesicle-associated proteins (e.g., cysteine string protein, CSP; Fernandez-Chacon and Sudhof, 1999). We have transformed Drosophila with a novel syt-eGFP (enhanced GFP) fusion protein, the fluorescence pattern of which colocalizes with native SV proteins at synapses, suggesting that the syt-eGFP fusion protein is correctly localized as an integral SV protein and therefore a good SV marker in living synapses. We demonstrate that the syt-eGFP line can be used to study SV dynamics in vivo by fluorescence recovery after photobleach (FRAP). The syt-eGFP fusion was constructed as shown in Figure 1. The eGFP carries double substitution of Phe 64 to Leu and Ser 65 to Thr and fluoresces 35-fold more intensely than wild-type GFP when excited at 488 nm, based on spectral analysis of equal amounts of soluble protein (Cormack et al., 1996). Four syt-eGFP transgenic lines were generated; one with insertion on the X chromosome, two on the second chromosome, and one on the third chromosome. All of these lines produced clear fluorescence when crossed to a pan-neuronal GAL4 driver (elav-GAL4, see Fig. 2) or a subset neuronal GAL4 driver 4G-GAL4 (data not shown). 4G-GAL4 is identified from an enhancer trap screen for neuronal-specific genes; it starts expression at late embryogenesis panneuronally, but in a subset of motor neurons in the third instar larvae, and enriched in mushroom body in adult brain. The eGFP-positive animals, from embryos to adults, can be readily recognizable under a fluorescence dissecting scope. Stocks with expression of syt-eGFP in all neurons (recombinant chromosome carrying both elav-GAL4 and syt-eGFP on the X chromosome) or subset of neurons (recombinant chromosome carrying both 4G-GAL4 and syt-eGFP on the second chromosome) were established. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that syt-eGFP is present in SVs, with expression similar to the native syt (Fig. 2). First, syt-eGFP is highly enriched in the neuropil region of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the embryo (data not shown) and larva (Fig. 2A, left), as well as in the axonal lobes of the larval mushroom body (Fig. 2A, right). These neuropil regions are densely packed with neuronal synapses. Second, at neuromuscular junction (NMJ) synapses, where we have higher resolution of single synaptic boutons, the syt-eGFP pattern perfectly matches the staining pattern seen with antibodies against SV-associated proteins (Fig. 2B). This suggests that syt-eGFP is tightly linked to SVs. Third, to further
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