This paper addresses the role of routing in supporting real-time applications across large integrated services internetworks. The increasing speed of underlying transmission media is enabling new, and perhaps more importantly, integrated applications. However, because of the size and decentralized nature of the global internet, we cannot assume that the network will be homogeneously capable of all new services. Therefore, routing must identify routes with specific type-of-service (TOS) capabilities. Moreover, we suggest that TOS-routing for performance-sensitive applications (e.g., real-time videoconference, real-time interaction with high-bandwidth sensor or experimental data) should be sensitive to significant load-changes, as well as to topology changes. At the same time, global scale means that we must minimize reliance on global consistency of routing databases and global distribution of dynamic routing information. Today’s internet routing does not adapt to load shifts for two sound reasonsstability and overhead. Loaddependent algorithms can become unstable, simultaneously directing all nodes to respond to load changes in the same way, causing oscillation. Further, distributing fine grain load information throughout the internet (a requirement for loop-free routing in today’s hop-by-hop routed Internet) would introduce excessive overhead. The Internet avoids global distribution of fine grained information by using hierarchical aggregation. If it distributes load information, it does so only within local domains, hiding fine detail between domains. Hierarchical aggregation is one of the most powerful ways of dealing with scaleZ. However, hierarchical aggregation does not provide information about the availability of real time routes across a wide-area, heterogeneous internet. For example, if the internetwork routing updates only contain information about configured, inter-domain, topology, then multiple routes to each destination will be computed and selected based only on the relatively-static information. If at call setup time the selected route is not available, or has insufficient resources to carry the flow, an alternate route will be tried. However, such a trial-and-error approach may introduce intolerable session-startup delays, especially in a high-speed network environment where many data transfers could be completed during the several round-trip times that it might take to discover a route. On the other hand, the overhead of flooding dynamic link or path status information is unacceptable in a large network. Our routing architecture addresses this problem by (a) advertising a different level of detail for those routes that are currently carrying real-time multimedia applications, than for routes that are carrying more generic (less performance sensitive) traffic, and (b) distributing this information to current users of the resource in question, not to the global network. We thereby exploit the route locality of internetwork traffic. Route locality is measured by the mapping of each source to the set of network resources traversed to reach the destinations with which it is communicating. The proposed mechanisms are used to complement, not replace, traditional hierarchical-aggregation techniques (i.e., inter-domain routing). We present what might appear to be an unsupportable requirement, i.e., different levels of routing detail from and to different nodes in the network. However, our proposed solutions can be made to work in the context of source routing. Our source routing uses a link-state style algorithm to compute routes 4. Domain-level,