In the current conditions of rapiddevelopment of the construction industry, there is aneed to use high-strength concrete, createinnovative structural systems and study effectivebuilding materials and structures. One of the mosteffective materials of the new generation is steelfiber concrete, which, due to its exceptionalproperties, is actively used in modern construction.Studies of bearing capacity [4, 9, 15] are animportant direction in construction engineering, asthey make it possible to assess the operationalcapabilities of slabs and develop effective methodsfor increasing their bearing capacity, deformabilityand resistance to cracking.As part of the work, comprehensiveexperimental studies were conducted to assess thestress-strain state of slabs with different types ofreinforcement. Reinforced concrete and fiberconcrete slabs were studied in order to comparetheir behavior under load depending on the methodof reinforcement.The results of the experiments showed the highefficiency of fiber in improving the strengthcharacteristics of slabs. Steel fibers contribute toincreasing the strength of structures and reducingthe manifestations of cracking.Thus, the choice of the type of dispersedreinforcement depends on the specific operationalrequirements of the structure. The use of dispersedreinforcement in construction significantlyincreases the strength characteristics, crackresistance and durability of structures, includingslabs, making them more reliable and resistant tovarious types of loads, including operational loads
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