Propagation of fracture from an existing sharptipped crack may be separated into two regimes: initial and main fractures. Initial fracture is due to crack tip blunting, and main fracture starts as the blunting process attains a critical extent [1]. Blunting is caused by plastic deformation, and a number of workers, [2, 3] have reported the existence of a "stretched zone" in a variety of steels and nonferrous alloys. If a sharp crack is caused by fatigue, the stretch zone is simply a distinct region of shear deformation observed at the crack tip between the fatigue starter crack and main fracture area of a test piece. The stretch zone at the start of the main crack extension is referred to as the critical stretch zone. Dimple or cleavage fracture can be found on the stretched surface, which is formed at an angle to the fatigue crack plane [4]. Recently, Couque et al. [5] showed that dynamic initiation toughness increases with increasing dynamic loading rate. Initiation toughness is the material resistance to the initial crack extension. High initiation toughness means there is significant crack-tip blunting, i.e. large critical stretch zone. Critical stretch zone size can be used to evaluate the critical crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), which characterizes the initiation toughness in the case of elastic-plastic fracture [6]. In the present work, formation of stretch zone at high loading rate is studied. For this purpose, fatigue-precracked three-point bend specimens are fractured at impact velocities of 15, 29 and 43 m/s. The fracture mechanisms of main crack propagation are also discussed. The tested material is the Swedish microalloyed structural steel SIS 142134 (similar to steel Grade E355, quality DD of ISO 4950/2) with carbon equivalent not exceeding 0.41%. Specimens of size 320 x 75 x 18 mm have a single notch at the midsection and they are precracked by fatigue such that the length of the notch plus the fatigue crack is one quarter of the specimen height (about 19 mm). These specimens are supported at the mid-sections, opposite to the notch, and hit at the ends by a U-shaped hammer at the three impact velocities. The fracture surfaces are examined visually, and by scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an electron beam at 90 ° to the fracture plane. Fig. 1 shows the typical distribution of the three different fracture zones (marked A, B and C) which are identified macroscopically on all fracture surfaces. Region A is a brittle flat fracture, B is a ductile flat fracture, and C is a ductile slant fracture. The areas covered by brittle flat surfaces are measured on enlarged photographs with the help of a planimeter,