Based on the question: "Does stressor have an impact on the academic work produktivity of lecturers?", the writer tried toformulize in the research problems (l) Jn what level do the lecturers University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMS) experience the stressor? (2) Does the stressor in the work place including job environment, individual, organizational, and extraorganizational significantly injluened the academic work produ ctivity of the lecturers? (3) Among these rnriables, which one was the most significant its influent on the work productivity of the lecturers? The purpos e of the research was (1) To know the level of the stressor which the lecturers ofUMS experience. (2) To know whether stressor in the work place including job environment, individual, organizational, and extraorganizational significantly had impact on the academic work productivity of the lecturers. (3) To know the variables, which variable was the most significant its influent on the academic work producti,· ity of lecturers.Sample used in the research was all the lecturers in UMS there are 27 altogether. To.find primary data the research used questionaire, and to find secondary data it used document supported by interview and observation. There were some technic used in the data analysis: I) Tabulation analysis and percenLage to know the level of the stressor, productivity, and percentage analysis to find out how much is the percentage of the respondent belonging to the level of certain stressor and certain work productivity. 2) Multiple linier regression analysis its purpose was to know the impact of independence variable on dependence variable and than used t-tets and F 3) Multiple linier regression analysis was used to know sub independence variable which one was the most significant its influent on dependence variable. The independence mriable used in this research were stressor in the work place (X) its sub varieble including job environment (Xl). individual (X2), organizational (X3), and extraorganizational (X4), than the dependence variable was academic work productivity (Y).From the tabulation and percentage analysis was fou nd that 7,41% of the respondents experienced low-level stressor, 92,59% medium-lev el stressor and 96,30% respondents had low productivity and 3, 70% had high produ ctirity. The result of multiple linter regression analysis showed that variable X significantly had impact on variable Y with determination coefficient 88, 90% and constand factor 6,574. The result multiple tinier regression analysis showed that extraorganizational variable is the most significant its influent on variable Y So, it was concluded that stressor in the work place signifi cantly had impact on the academic work productivity of the lecturers in UMS, and the most significant its influent variable was extraorganizational variable.
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