An experiment was conducted during the year 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 at Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (India), to study the effects of different treatments combination under hydroponics and pot cultivation condition in climatic zones of Prayagraj for better growth and yield of strawberry. The experiment was laid out in Factorial randomized block design with three replications each consisting of two cultivation system i.e., hydroponics system and pot culture, each having 12 treatments with T0 (control). The two type (Pot Experiment + Hydroponic Experiment) of planting system, and their interaction have a significant effect on the growth and yield of the plants. According to the findings, plants cultivated in hydroponic system along T7 (with Grow, Micro & Bloom) at 24 hours interval of 42 days maximize yield while also performing best in growth, quality, and yield contributing attributes. The hydroponic system yielded 20.92 per cent and 16.91 per cent higher than soilless media and soil, respectively. The nutrient uptake was also recorded highest under this treatment leading to conclusion that nutrients are more readily available to the plants under hydroponic system as compared to soilless media or soil and gave the maximum net returns and maximum benefit: cost ratio.
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