Power converters for wireless power transfer (WPT) and, in general, for electrical vehicle charging are evolving in terms of nominal power and performance, bringing along non negligible emissions in the supraharmonic range (2 kHz to 150 kHz). The large installed power and the high concentration with a relatively short separation distance can be addressed by feeding the converters through a DC grid for better dynamic response and lower impedance. The prediction of conducted emissions in real supply conditions requires carrying out measurements with low impedance values, lower than those available in line impedance stabilization networks (LISNs) for AC grids. This work proposes an approach to extrapolate converter emissions in an ideal 0 Ω condition, that together with the input impedance curve (determined by a least mean square approach) form a Norton equivalent circuit of the converter. The interaction of the converters with the DC grid and superposition of emissions can be then thoroughly evaluated by means of a general ladder grid scheme to which the Norton equivalents are connected. Such a grid model is suitable for Monte Carlo simulation aimed at assessing the degree of compensation between sources of emissions and the overall network distortion. Results using a Simulink model are provided considering emissions aggregation and compensation under random phase conditions for the following cases: close-by and separated sources (5 m and 100 m cable separation, respectively); increased number of sources studying scenarios with 3 and 10 sources; and using different resolution bandwidth values (200 Hz and 500 Hz) against a random change of the frequency of the emission components.
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