Relevance. Currently, there is no knowledge of what kind of stress the cardiovascular system is subjected to during special running exercises (SBU), how prolonged running exercises affect the heart rate (HR). So, it remains unexplored: what is the average heart rate (HRSsr) characteristic of the SBU, what maximum values it can reach during the performance of a particular running exercise, which does not allow them to be used reasonably to achieve certain goals in the process of physical training.The purpose of this study was to study the functioning of the cardiovascular system of women during special running exercises.Methods and organization of research. To achieve this goal, an experiment was conducted in which 6 women participated. Before the test procedure, the subjects performed a workout that included a fiveminute slow run and flexibility exercises. Then, the subjects in cross-country shoes performed the following complex of running and running exercises: slow running, running with a whip of the shin, running on straight legs, running with a high knee lift, rolling from toe to toe, mincing running, jumping, fast running, the length of the distance at which they performedThere was a run and the SBU was 100 meters. Polar heart rate monitors and chest heart rate sensors H9 were used to determine heart rate indicators.Conclusions. The results of the experiment showed that most of the exercises aimed at developing speed and strength abilities turned out to be more stressful compared to exercises aimed at developing endurance. Thus, using special basic exercises in the process of physical training in order to develop physical qualities, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the activity of the cardiovascular system during their performance, and depending on the level of preparedness of those involved, it is necessary to regulate the intensity of physical activity by changing various characteristics: the length of the distance of performance, the number of repetitions, rest intervals, or the pace of performing special running exercises.
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