Abstract Two pyrethroids, 2 organophos-phates, and a chloro-cyclodiene were evaluated for rice stink bug control at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Farm near College Sta-tion, TX. Seed of hybrid sorghum (ATX399 X RTX430) was planted 10 Jun on rows spaced 30 inches apart. Insecticide treatments were compared in plots, 4 rows X 40 ft long, arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. Insecticides were applied to the middle 2 rows of plots when sorghum was in the dough stage. Insecticides were applied on 28 Aug between 0800 and 0900 h CDT by using a hand-held backpack sprayer with TX-3 hollow cone nozzles at 35 psi, producing a finished spray volume of 4.9 gpa. Stink bug abundance was assessed by using the “ beat bucket” technique to sample 10 panicles per plot. A pre-treatment count of rice stink bug nymph and adult abundance was made 2 d before insecticides were applied. About 3.5 inches of rainfall occurred over a 2-d period beginning 6 h after treatment. Post-treatment counts were made on 29 Aug (1 DAT) and 31 Aug (3 DAT). Data were statistically analyzed by using ANOVA and LSD. Percent control was calculated by using the Henderson and Tilton (1955) sampling formula.
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