
Abstract Three pyrethroids and 2 organophosphates were evaluated for stink bug control at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Farm near College Station, TX. Seed of hybrid grain sorghum (ATx399 X RTx430) was planted 15 Jun on rows spaced 30 inches apart. Insecticide treatments were compared in plots, 4 rows X 30 ft long, arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. Insecticides were applied to the middle 2 rows of plots when sorghum was in the soft-dough stage. Insecticides were applied on 2 Sep between 0800 and 0900 h CDT by using a hand-held backpack sprayer with TX-3 hollow cone nozzles at 35 psi, producing a finished spray volume of 4.9 gpa. Stink bug abundance was assessed by using the “beat bucket” technique to sample 20 panicles/plot. A pre-treatment count of RSB and SGSB nymph and adult abundance was made the day before insecticides were applied. Post-treatment counts were made on 3 Sep (1 DAT) and 5 Sep (3 DAT). Data were statistically analyzed by using ANOVA and LSD. The % control was calculated by using the Henderson and Tilton (1955) sampling formula.

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