The distribution and isotopic composition of helium has been measured in a suite of well-characterized one-carat diamonds from the Orapa kimberlite, Botswana. Crushing of the diamonds in vacuo indicates that most of the helium is contained by the matrix (generally greater than 90%), rather than by the inclusions. Step-heating experiments, performed on inclusion-free fragments remaining after crushing, indicate that the 3He/ 4He ratio is variable within individual diamonds. The fragments, as small as 10 mg, were heated in two timed steps, both at 2000°C. In every case, lower 3He/ 4He ratios are observed in the first graphitization step (0.05–3 × atmospheric), while the last heating step releases helium with systematically higher 3He/ 4He ratio (30–80 × atmospheric). We suggest that this internal isotopic variability is the result of stepwise graphitization: the first heating step initiates graphitization, which nucleates around defects, and the second heating step graphitizes the relatively defect-free regions of the diamond. The 3He/ 4He ratio measured, using the partial graphitization technique, differs by up to a factor of 100 within a single specimen. The inclusion-free fragments release small quantities of helium below 2000°C, which suggests that helium release is obtained only by graphitization. The 3He contents of the monocrystalline diamonds are relatively constant (at ∼ 3 × 10 −13 cm 3 STP/gram) and indicate that most of the isotopic variability is due to radiogenic 4He. The variations in 4He content are either related to zoning of Th and U in the diamonds (i.e., in-situ decay), to zoning of inherited 4He, or to implantation of α-particles from a Th and U rich environment (i.e., kimberlite). Because the Orapa diamonds were mined from roughly 40 m depth in the kimberlite, spallation reactions from cosmic ray interactions are not a significant source of 3He. However, calculations based on the age of the kimberlite (90 m.y.) and reasonable Th and U abundances suggest that most of the 3He in the Orapa diamonds could be produced by 6Li(n, α)T in the diamond. Although this may not be true of all diamonds, nuclear reactions in the crust and mantle (including spallation reactions at the surface) can explain many of the high 3He/ 4He ratios previously reported for diamonds.
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