During the past years, more than 130 giant planets were discovered in extrasolar planetary systems. Because of thefactthattheorbitaldistancesareveryclosetotheirhoststars,theseplanetsareembeddedinadensestellarwind, whichcanpickupplanetaryions.Wemodelthestellarwindinteractionoftheshort-periodicexoplanetsOGLE-TR- 56b and HD 209458b at their orbital distances of � 0.023 AU and � 0.045 AU, by calculating the Alfven Mach number and the magnetosonic Mach number in the stellar wind plasma flow. We then analyze the different plasma interaction regimes around the planetary obstacles, which appear for different stellar wind parameters. Our study shows that the stellar wind plasma parameters like temperature, interplanetary magnetic field, particle density, and velocity near planetary obstacles at orbital distances closer than 0.1-0.2 AU have conditions such that no bow shocks evolve. Our study shows also that these close-in exoplanets are in a submagnetosonic regime comparable to the magnetospheric plasma interaction of the inner satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Furthermore, we compare the resultsachievedforbothexoplanetswiththeJupiter-classexoplanetHD28185batitsorbitaldistanceof � 1.03AU. Finally, we also discuss the behavior of the stellar wind plasma flow close to the planetary obstacles of two highly eccentricgasgiants,namely,HD108147bandHD162020b.Becauseoftheireccentricorbits,thesetwoexoplanets periodically experience both regimes with and without a bow shock. Finally, we simulate the neutral gas density of HD 209458b with a Monte Carlo model. By using the plasma parameters obtained in our study we calculate the ion production and loss rate of H + with a test particle model. Our simulations yield H + loss rates for HD 209458b or similargiantexoplanetsinordersofabout10 8 -10 9 gs � 1 .Theseionlossratesareatleast1orderofmagnitudelower than the observed loss rate of evaporating neutral H atoms. Our study indicates, that similar gas giants at larger orbital distances have lower ion loss rates. Thus, the dominating component of particle loss of short-periodic Jupiter- class exoplanets will be neutral hydrogen. Subject headingg magnetic fields — planetary systems — plasmas — shock waves — stars: winds, outflows
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