The most advanced and updated Shamir Encryption algorithm is efficient enough to prevent and stop unauthorized and illegal access to the secured encoded data. It is best to solution to ensure reliability and security of the data with the help of Steganography and Visual Cryptography. On the ground of the failure of the previous extensive research by expert to ensure security of the data. Index Terms: Data hiding, Efficient, Integrity, High performance, Reliable, Secured. I. INTRODUCTION Steganography is the art, Science, or practice in which messages, images, or files are hidden inside other messages, images or files. The person sending the hidden data and the person meant to receive the data are the only once who know about it, but to everyone else, the object containing the hidden data just seem likes an everyday normal object. When it comes to the data transformation algorithms Steganography and Visual Cryptography take advantages of different methodology in order to protect their respective payload. In steganography, only the sender and receiver aware of the hidden data and typically if the loaded file thing that comes to their mind is the question of what is the encrypted and how they can decrypt the hidden message . Steganography is concern with sending a secret message while hiding its existence. The word steganography is derived from the Greek words Steganos, meaning Covered, and Graphein meaning To Write. Cryptography is not concerned with hiding the existing of message, but rather its meaning by a process called Encryption. The word Cryptography derived from the Greek word Kryptos, meaning Hidden. Seganography embed the secret message in a harmless looking cover, such as digital image file. The need for steganography is obvious but what is less obvious is the need for more research in the field. Simple techniques are easily detectable and there is a whole field of defeating steganographic technique called steganalysis, advances in steganalysis which makes it constantly evolving field. Since most steganography system use digital image as cover, the whole field has borrowed methods and ideas from the closely related field of watermarking and finger printing which also manipulate digital audio and video, for the purpose of copyright. Even though, in principle, many aspect of image can be manipulated, in reality most stego system aim for the preservation of visual integrity of the image. Early Stego system goals were to make changes not detectable by the human eyes. This feature is not enough because statistical method can detect the changes in image even if it is not visible. Image compression also plays a role in steganography because it was found at on many occasion the result depend on the compression scheme used. Steganography struggle to find more efficient method to embed a secret message in cover object, only to be defeated by techniques derived by steganalysts.
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