Abstract Abstract Chance and Choice by Cardpack and Chessboard. Lancelot Hogben (Professor of Medical Statistics in the University of Birmingham). New York: Chanticleer Press, 1950. Pp. 417 (6 × 8 type page). $12.50. Reviewed by George W. Snedecor Statistics, Volume I. N. L. Johnson and H. Tetley. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1949. Pp. xii, 294. $5.50. Reviewed by Paul S. Dwyer Applied Statistics. Forrest R. Immer. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Burgess Publishing Company, 1950. Mimeoprint, spiral bound. Pp. ii, 157. $3.25. Reviewed by Emil H. Jebe The Principles of Scientific Research. Paul Freedman. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1950. Pp. xi, 222. $3.25. Reviewed by C. West Churchman Scientific Method for Auditing: Applications of Statistical Sampling Theory to Auditing Procedure. Lawrence L. Vance (Associate Professor of Accounting, University of California). Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1950. Pp. xii, 108. $2.50. Reviewed by Howard L. Jones New Facts on Business Cycles. Arthur F. Burns. National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 30th Annual Report, 1950. Pp. 83. Reviewed by Kenneth D. Roose Shares of Upper Income Groups in Income and Savings. Simon Kuznets. National Bureau of Economic Research, Occasional Paper 35, 1950. Pp. 68. $1.00. Reviewed by Dorothy S. Brady Variations in Working Class Family Expenditure. J. L. Nicholson, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General), Part IV, 1949, pp. 359–418. Reprint, University of Oxford, Institute of Statistics. Two shillings and six pence. Reviewed by Dorothy S. Brady Basic Data of the American Economy. W. Nelson Peach and Walter Krause. Third Edition. Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1950. Pp. xix. 248. $3.00 (College $2.00). Reviewed by Peter O. Steiner Tables of Working Life—Length of Working Life for Men. Bulletin No. 1001 United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington D. C., 1950. Pp. 74. Reviewed by Mortimer Spiegelman Progress and Economic Problems in Farm Mechanization. A. M. Acock and others. Washington, D. C.: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1950, Pp. vii, 88. $1.00. Reviewed by M. R. Cooper Rural Social Systems: A Textbook in Rural Sociology and Anthropology. Charles P. Loomis (Head, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Michigan State College) and J. Allen Beegle (Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Michigan State College). New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1950. Pp. xxvii, 873. $6.75. Reviewed by William H. Sewell Local Community Fact Book of Chicago, Edited by Louis Wirth and Eleanor H. Bernert. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1950. Pp. xii, 152. $2.50. Reviewed by Raymond F. Sletto Public Opinion, 1935–1946, Under the editorial direction of Hadley Cantril. Prepared by Mildred Strunk. (Both of the Office of Public Opinion Research.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951. Pp. lix, 1191. $25. The Development of a Test for Selecting Research Personnel. Mary H. Weislogel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: American Institute for Research, 1950. Pp. 33. Reviewed by John G. Darley
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