Part 1 The states as actors: technology, regions and states, Jurgen Schmandt and Robert Wilson regional roles in the governance of the scientific state, Jurgen Schmandt structural economic change and the powers of state government - the viability of regional development strategies, Robert Wilson. Part 2 Theory and evidence: high tech policy, high tech realities - the spatial distribution of high tech industry in America, Amy Glasmeier technological innovation and paths to regional economic growth, Edward Malecki state innovation policies and regional restructuring of technologically dependent industry, Ed Bergam. Part 3 State development strategies: recent state initiatives - an overview of state science and technology policies and programs, Marianne Clarke state strategies for business assistance, Scott Fosler an assessment of state technology development programs, John Rees the impact of elementary and secondary education on state economic development, Ray Marshall simple faiths-complex facts - vocational educational as an economic development strategy, Norton Grubb engineering regional growth, Stuart Rosenfeld and Robert D. Atkinson university-industry research and development relationships, Irwin Feller state government-university cooperation, Karen Paget creating and sustaining the U.S. technopolis, Raymond W. Smilor and David Gibson. Part 4 Conclusions: technology and economic development in the States - continuing experiments in growth management, Richard Barke.
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