We theoretically study the transparency in the generalized two-level system with hyperfine structure by utilizing double detuning-induced stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (double D-STIRAP). The double D-STIRAP is carried out by sequentially applying the three pulses, one near-resonant pump pulse and two far-off resonant Stark pulses before and after the pump pulse. From the study of single-atom response we can roughly learn the transparency conditions, since the full recovery of the system to the initial state is associated with the perfect transparency. After the numerical calculations we find that, for the perfect transparency, the pulse intensities of double D-STIRAP for the generalized two-level systems with hyperfine structure has to be stronger than that for the ideal two-level system. More precisely, we find that the ratio of amplitude to time for the Rabi frequency of the pump pulse and the detuning induced by the Stark pulse have to be close to each other to satisfy the adiabatic conditions. The above conditions, however, are necessary conditions we can learn from the single-atom response, and to ensure that they are indeed sufficient for perfect transparency, we perform the propagation calculations to obtain the temporal profile of the pump pulse at arbitrary propagation depths to find that double D-STIRAP, when applied to the generalized two-level system with hyperfine structure, is indeed robust for perfect transparency.
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